The company recognizes the value of its workforce and the efforts of all members of the Grupo Lamosa team. Thus, continuous efforts are made to improve the work culture and sense of belonging, with the offering of open, safe and diverse collaborative spaces where employees always have the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally.
GRI 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 3-3;
SASB RT-CH-320a.2
Guaranteeing the safety of the people who work at Grupo Lamosa is paramount. To this end, the company has management systems to identify possible work risks, both in office areas and at the production plants.
These systems are based on the methodology of the international Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), with three main focuses: training for leaders who hold positions in upper and middle management; awareness and involvement of their work teams; follow-up and control, thus promoting the continuous improvement of processes to minimize accidents at work.
The general well-being of the workforce is also sought. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a medical hotline was set up to monitor active cases and mental healthcare is promoted through diagnoses based on NOM-035-STPS-2018, in order to identify psychosocial risks that could affect the work team.
GRI 404-2, 3-3
The Grupo Lamosa Leadership Model is aimed at improving the skills of team leaders, in order to improve the performance of the people who make up their respective work teams.
2022 was a year of important achievements with the first implementations of this new professional training model. Throughout the year, 71 executives were trained using a leadership skills program made up of five hybrid-format modules.
Additionally, the development of executive skills in the company is encouraged through mentoring and coaching programs for managers given by executives from all parts of Grupo Lamosa. In 2022, approximately 40 executives from the different businesses and countries where the company operates participated in the program.
Finally, the company encourages proactivity and self-learning. To this end, digital training programs are available on platforms such as “LinkedIn Learning”, where all employees can enhance both their hard skills and their soft ones, and “Coursera”, available to any Grupo Lamosa employee.
In 2023, efforts will be made to improve the monitoring of the results of the new training model, incorporating new programs and improvements, according to the needs of the organization and the performance evaluations.
GRI 2-30, 401-2, 3-3
Through its work environment management system, every year the company identifies the strengths in the area and, more importantly, possible areas of opportunity in relation to the level of employee satisfaction, and action plans are generated to reduce or even eliminate them.
As a fundamental part of its organizational culture, Grupo Lamosa respects diversity in the workforce, and seeks equality and inclusion in job opportunities, from the hiring processes to internal promotions. The company insists on conduct free of any type of discrimination through the institutionalization of the values that characterize it. These are expressed in both the Code of Ethics and the Diversity Policy.
Health, safety and well-being processes, training programs and work environment surveys are in the process of being implemented for the employees of Fanosa, acquired in January 2022.
Moreover, employees are given benefits above and beyond the legal ones, including maternity leave, grocery vouchers, savings funds, scholarships, cafeteria services, transportation and death benefits.
Finally, Grupo Lamosa recognizes the freedom of association of its employees with whom it maintains a relationship based on respect and trust. At the end of 2022, 55% of its personnel worked under a collective bargaining agreement.
SASB RT-CH-210a.1
Concerned about the social development of the communities where Grupo Lamosa has operations, in 2015 the company created the Escuela Digna program, focused on supporting local educational institutions and improving their facilities.
The program began in the state of Tlaxcala, one of the company’s main areas of operations in Mexico. Due to its success and acceptance, in 2022 the program was redesigned for replication, and pilot programs were set up in other states, including the State of Mexico and Nuevo León.
In partnership with the schools and with their commitment, the program provides training and evaluations that contribute to improving or maintaining the academic level. Since its implementation, preschools, and elementary, middle and high school institutions have been supported.
Over the coming year, the company will continue promoting volunteer activities, with the participation of employees at every production plant, both in Mexico and in the other countries where it has operations.